For my first three years 5% of all beadwork sales were donated to the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center. As a full time beadwork artist and one woman business this is no longer doable but I continue to support in ways that I can. This includes raising funds on May 5th - Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relations Awareness & Day of Mourning, as well as participating in raffle fundraisers and mutual aid efforts when time permits! Here are a few I've done already:

I made these earrings for a raffle fundraiser hosted by Christine Dunbar (@auntie.beading in IG) to raise funds for Medical Aid for Palestinians.

I made these hidden "BLM" monarch earrings to raise funds for Brooklyn Center kids and families after the community was met with violence for protesting the murder of Duante Wright. Funds raised with this personal raffle went directly to Brooklyn Center Community Schools food and supply drive. With the help of my amazing followers we were able to raise $800.

I made these earrings for a personal fundraiser in solidarity with the BLM protests that started in Minneapolis in 2020. All $1K in proceeds went directly to the Du Nord a Riot Recovery Fund in Minneapolis which went towards rebuilding Black and Brown owned business that were damaged in protests after the murder of George Floyd. Raffle tickets were $5 each and it ran for one week, this was my first raffle and it was incredible to see my bead loving community come together! Since then the Du Nord Riot Recovery Fund has become the Du Nord Foundation.

I made these earrings as part of an Indigenous artist group auction to raise funds for Navajo, Hopi, and White Mountain Apache Covid Relief. Check out @nativeartists4covidrelief on Instagram for details on their next auction date, to donate art, to bid and to raise awareness.

These earrings were made as part of a raffle fundraiser for Not Another Black Life - a local Tkaronto based grassroots group doing both emergency and transformational work.

These earrings were donated to the Mi’kma’ki raffle fundraiser to raise money for our Indigenous fisher relatives on the frontlines to stand in solidarity in honoring Treaty 1752.

These earrings were part of a personal auction to raise money for Black Visions Collective.

In the month of June 2020 5% of sales were donated to Women for Political Change who holistically invest in the leadership and political power of young women, trans and non-binary folks.